Hillary Pike

Hillary Pike
Hillary Pike Yoga

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Open To Feeling Loved And Supported!

There is just something so yummy about allowing your spiritual practice to be a place where you simply receive light and connect to Uni-versal love. I love manifestation techniques and setting your intentions to create your desires. If you always use your spiritual practice as a means to create something you want in your life, then you are still working when you should be receiving! You are one with everything. Taking time to release your own form and just be in that ONE loving vibration of consciousness – feels so good. Let go any ideas of who you are as an individual and take time to feel the connection to the whole.
Those of us on a spiritual path are blessed with the ability to connect with spirit and divine love on this earthly plane. Take time in your yoga or meditation practice to let yourself to fully unite with divine love. Allow your fears and worries to wash away, clearing your subconscious and opening your heart to pure love. We chose to walk the path of light, which leads us to inner peace.
You are a unique expression of the creator and always will be, but in that moment of meditation just allow yourself to be one. This opens room for spirit to create through you. Release all desires and expectations. Tap into the pure bliss of this present moment and you will find so much love waiting there for you. As they say, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Enjoy being human – love yourself just as you are. In this human experience, you feel the illusion of being separate. You are blessed with the ability to go within and be brought back the oneness that is your true form. When you step into this space of oneness and divine love it helps you to clear any ideas that you are not good enough or that you do not have enough. You are good enough and you do have enough. You are one with all the goodness and abundance there is. During these times of doubt it is important to allow support in. Sometimes you think you need so many things to be happy, when what you really need is to feel loved and supported.
Get comfortable and begin deep breathing. Bring your energy to your third eye point in between your eyebrows.
I know that nothing in this room is solid – everything is energy. I release all form and open myself to feel the vibration of love that is within and all around me. I let go of any ideas of separation. I know that I AM pure love. I ask divine love to heal every cell in my body. I ask that my eyes see love, my heart feel love, my mind perceive love, my voice speak of love, and my touch give love. There is only love; I ask to become a higher source of love.
Feel your heart opening as you completely melt into the vibration of pure love. Close your eyes and stay here as long as you like.
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Hillary Pike is certified in Kundalini Yoga, Prenatal Yoga and meditation Instructor.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Create Space For The Universe To Guide You

I hear so many stories of why people feel they can’t meditate- not enough time, too hard to focus, it doesn’t work for you. All of these are just stories that your mind tells you; they are not the truth. You are fully capable of developing a meditation practice.  Each person has nearly 15,000 thoughts per hour, which are nearly 360,000 thoughts per day. Many of these thoughts are unconscious. The purpose of meditation is to clear the mind of unconscious thoughts. When you clear your mind of this unnecessary noise, you create room for The Uni-verse to come through. The mind is like a box and once it gets full, you can feel overwhelmed. Through meditation you open the lid to this box and release the mind clutter. Once the unconscious thoughts are released you can begin to create your reality with consciousness.
Meditation is so simple. Just sit or lie down and breathe in and out. Tell yourself that you are only going to do this for a minute, so you can quiet the mind and completely relax into it. As you breathe, open yourself to The Uni-verse. Feel the connection and focus your awareness in the center of your head. Continue breathing. Feel as though a box in your mind is opening and allowing you to release. Let go of anything that no longer serves you and allow The Uni-verse to fill you with love and guidance. Try it out for a few minutes each day and then build up from there. Allow meditation to be a time when you fill yourself back up. Take the pressure off. There is no right or wrong way. Go with what feels good to you. Try giving the mind a break and step into the heart. Focus on the love from The Uni-verse and as you continue to breathe, you will feel your energy moving from the mind into the heart.
This is my ultimate goal - to live through the heart, one with The Uni-verse. In stillness you are allowing your mind to empty, which creates the space for The Uni-verse to guide your way.  That is why I take the time every day to allow myself to feel the love and joy that comes from this connection. You deserve to spend time alone seeking divine guidance from within. It is so simple… connect with The Uni-verse through stillness. Meditation is a personal practice that allows you to become one with all that is. Just breathe and have your only goal be to feeling the love from The Uni-verse. Play, have fun and reveal all the love and beauty within you!!
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Hillary Pike is certified in Kundalini Yoga, Prenatal Yoga and a meditation Instructor.

Dedicating To Your Practice

Lately I have been feeling so much gratitude for my spiritual practice. Many powerful spiritual teachings that were kept secret for so many years are now available to us, and we now have more access to knowledge than ever before. This knowledge gives us the opportunity to live a life in divine connection with the Uni-verse; all we have to do is take time to devote to our practice. Yogi Bhajan always said “keep up,” which refers to keeping up with your spiritual practice. He also said, “If you don’t go within, you go without.” Only temporary happiness comes from our external experiences. True lasting bliss comes from connecting to the light within you. During conscious connection with Spirit you receive joy-filled calmness. Your true nature is to be happy. Happiness comes from within.
My appreciation for my spiritual practice grows every day. It is a space for me to let go, clear my mind and connect to the love that is within and all around me. To stay uplifted you must dedicate yourself to your practice. In doing so, you are uplifting yourself so you can uplift others. Your spiritual practice can include yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, reading, deep relaxation, anything that makes you feel good. The purpose is to feel good, and in doing so you are creating more good feelings. I feel so much gratitude toward my spiritual practice because it makes me feel so loved, free and alive. It helps me to remember that there is a deeper purpose to this experience, and that I am connected to the divine spirit that lives in every one of us. Making the commitment to your practice is making a commitment to yourself - to live life from the heart, being open to all the goodness that is out there for you.
It is your choice to decide to take the time for yourself. Instead of thinking of it as a chore, come from a space of gratitude; feeling thankful that you have an opportunity to care for and enrich yourself. Now is the time to create spiritual habits. Connecting with your soul fills your life with purpose, so be strong, keep up, and bask in the satisfaction that comes with having a dedication to your practice and being dedicated to yourself.