Lately I have been feeling so much gratitude for my spiritual practice. Many powerful spiritual teachings that were kept secret for so many years are now available to us, and we now have more access to knowledge than ever before. This knowledge gives us the opportunity to live a life in divine connection with the Uni-verse; all we have to do is take time to devote to our practice. Yogi Bhajan always said “keep up,” which refers to keeping up with your spiritual practice. He also said, “If you don’t go within, you go without.” Only temporary happiness comes from our external experiences. True lasting bliss comes from connecting to the light within you. During conscious connection with Spirit you receive joy-filled calmness. Your true nature is to be happy. Happiness comes from within.
My appreciation for my spiritual practice grows every day. It is a space for me to let go, clear my mind and connect to the love that is within and all around me. To stay uplifted you must dedicate yourself to your practice. In doing so, you are uplifting yourself so you can uplift others. Your spiritual practice can include yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, reading, deep relaxation, anything that makes you feel good. The purpose is to feel good, and in doing so you are creating more good feelings. I feel so much gratitude toward my spiritual practice because it makes me feel so loved, free and alive. It helps me to remember that there is a deeper purpose to this experience, and that I am connected to the divine spirit that lives in every one of us. Making the commitment to your practice is making a commitment to yourself - to live life from the heart, being open to all the goodness that is out there for you.
It is your choice to decide to take the time for yourself. Instead of thinking of it as a chore, come from a space of gratitude; feeling thankful that you have an opportunity to care for and enrich yourself. Now is the time to create spiritual habits. Connecting with your soul fills your life with purpose, so be strong, keep up, and bask in the satisfaction that comes with having a dedication to your practice and being dedicated to yourself.
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